Tuesday, February 2, 2010

City watch

D.C. is trying to up their urban agriculture cred by creating a College of Urban Agriculture (at the University of the District of Columbia).

N.Y.C., on the other hand, seems to be making things more difficult, don't worry Bloomberg will get things together.

Oakland has a new hydroponic superstore, it opened a few days ago. Technicians at the store will even show you how to set stuff up, for a fee, but still, how many times have you bought something at IKEA and wished you'd talked to someone first?

Kwantlen Polytechnic University in British Columbia is opening a lab to develop insect-and microbe-based pest control systems. After researching the technologies, they will bring them to market.

Hopping across the ocean, the UN has a position open for a senior level Urban Agriculture Expert in Monrovia.

Interesting article about how to use permaculture principles to grow a sustainable company. I hope there's a company out there willing to give this a try, it would be a fantastic experiment.

Groundhog joke of the day: What is a laughing groundhog called? A grinhog. Admit it, you at least groaned.

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